The appLS16HD2D barcode scanner is defined by its high reading speed, capable of recognizing 120 images per second thanks to its new CMOS lens.
It provides extraordinary performance and versatility, it also has an object detection sensor that allows reading in automatic mode, making it an ideal element for days of high intensity of operations.
Auto scan mode gives you the ability to use it as a stationary presentation scanner when installed on a counter.
Incorporating the appLS16HD2D scanner into your point of sale is easy, since it does not need drivers, your PC will detect it automatically.
• Tipo: Lector de área
• Profundidad de escaneo: 20-500mm.
• Resolución: 640x480
• Ángulo de escaneo: Inclinación 60º, Oblicuidad 82º, Rotación 360º
• Modo de disparo: Manual o automático (autosense)
• Velocidad de escaneo: 120 fps.
• Capacidad de decodificación: Código de barras 1D como EAN 8, EAN 13, UPC A, UPC E, Code 39, Code 93, Code 128, EAN128, Codebar, industrial 2 of 5, Interleave 2 of 5, Matrix 2 of 5, MSI, etc. / Código de barras 2D como PDF417, MICROPDF417, Datamxtrix, QR, Maxicode, Aztec, etc.
• Interfaz: USB
• Indicadores: LED y Beeper
• Tamaño escaner: 168x85x62 mm.
• Grado de protección IP: IP54
• Peso: 100g.
• Color: Negro
• 2 años en lector de código
Ideal para ambiente de gran movilidad y uso continuado, como almacenes, plantas de producción, inventariado, etc.